Planning and Development

‘Why not develop the untapped potential in your property.’

Planning and Development

Whether you’re considering some kind of diversification which may require a change of use of a building or land or maximising the value of your assets by obtaining planning consent we can help.

We can also help negotiate income streams from option agreements for wind farms, telecom masts and many other development opportunities, from developing traditional farm steadings, seeking consent for new dwellings or extensions, do you know whether you need consent or not, do you know the process, how to appeal etc. We do.

We can also project manage helping to identify architects, contractors, deal with payments and disputes.

Planning can be seen by many as a hugely frustrating area but understanding the policies, and knowing which key issues to address can make the process far simpler and ensure that you get the results you want

Client Testimonials

James has provided expert support to the Environment Agency on a wide range of Environment Agency flood defence projects in the North East. He is very knowledgeable on the issues and challenges we face in respect of estates and land issues. His input has been invaluable to ensuring that those who are affected by our works are fairly treated but not to the detriment of the public purse.

I would thoroughly recommend engaging with James and look forward to working with him again in the future.

I worked with James on a forestry project that had a number of objectives.

  • To improve the existing woods
  • To address poor access and fencing
  • To improve the shooting
  • To apply for grants to try and achieve those objectives.

James is an outstanding communicator, he is sympathetic and understands the countryside and he is very knowledgeable when it comes to the grant process. He managed our project and has put in a real infrastructure that will serve the Estate well for years to come.

If you wish to enquire about our services please feel free to contact us :