For a long time forestry has been the poor relation to agriculture and residential, hence many of the woods in the region have not been well managed, this means that they have a low amenity, sporting and environmental value, not to mention their poor financial performance.
We’re not out of the woods yet but through a combination of timber income and grant aid it is possible to bring many areas of woodland back into management, we can’t doing nothing forever so bite the bullet and make the call, you might be pleasantly surprised with what can be achieved
We can advise on all aspects of woodland management, from planting, thinning, felling, sale agreements, valuations, contractor supervision to the plethora of grant opportunities from things as varied as grey squirrel control to restoration of ancient woodland.
We get huge satisfaction from knowing that woodlands are in tip top condition, earning their full potential and being secured for future generations. Investing a bit of time now could mean that they spend the next ten years improving rather than deteriorating.